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Why digital signatures for your clinic

Do you own a health clinic and looking for a digital signing solution? Of all of the technological innovations in recent years, digital signatures can be one of the hardest to really understand. How can a signature on an e-pad or a computer generated signature replicate what we have come to understand as legally binding signatures?

Despite this initial questions, digital signatures are increasingly embedded across the clinical sector and if you are not already using them, then you soon will be. Once understood, the advantages of e-signing are so clear and overwhelming that you will be making the switch

Why digital signatures?


Digital signing has full legal equivalence with signing by hand in many countries around the world. In recent years, most countries worldwide have adopted legislation and regulations that recognise the legality of digital signatures and deem it a binding signature.

In Europe, thanks to the eIDAS regulation, we have a legal platform, that allows the cross border usage and validation of electronic signatures. Under this regulation all signature types are treated equally in court.


In a busy practice, time spent issuing clipboards to patients, chasing up signatures, scanning documents for upload into files or printing them out in hard copy is tedious, time-consuming and open to errors at every stage. Introducing e-signatures streamlines the entire process, improves compliance and security and frees up staff time for other duties.

Patient Experience

In the pre-covid era, e-signing gave a positive perception to patients of a modern, efficient and switched on practice. If you use this kind of technology in your basic operations, then there is a real sense that you apply the same quality and modernity to your clinical treatments.

In the post-covid era, all of this still applies, but with the added comfort for the patient of a safer, contactless interaction.


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